Technology, Adult Basic Education and GED Tutoring Instructor
Build skills to strengthen your professional and personal resume. Choose from a variety of certificate courses, offered throughout the year.
Marissa R. of San Bernardino
2020 ATI Student of the Year
ATI taught me so much all teachers are amazing everyone educated me on
so much on all kinds of subjects even self-love such as mental health which
we all need especially go through this pandemic.
I really enjoy the growing process that I’m going through here every subject we learn is always mind-blowing to me. I’m so blessed to come to these classes and get to learn so many subjects and got to meet great people while taking this class.
Lluvia R. of San Bernardino
2020 and 2021 ATI Student of the Year
Sheri and Irma were always so great in touching on topics such as women
empowerment, professional career skills, learned how to deal with certain
relationships and family. Believe it or not, all those classes helped me cope and deal with so many everyday events in life that used to frustrate me. I learned to be more patient and considerate of others in these hard times. I also really enjoyed sharing in class and getting to know my classmates. I keep in touch with a few out of ATI. Overall ATI has been a big blessing to me in such hard times. Thank You to all ATI instructors!
Click to read additional student reviews
Our passion is offering these services and programs to serve the unemployed, underemployed, and persons with a disadvantage in the job market because of lack of education, skill, or experience. Click to learn more!
School Director, Program Coordinator, Technology and Financial Educator
Technology, Adult Basic Education and GED Tutoring Instructor
Return to Work Specialist, and Vocational Education and
Business Skills
We love nothing more than to help our students succeed in their set career and professional goals. We have a proven track record of making that happen, even under the most intense barriers. Let us assist with the details so that your success is guaranteed.
Career Development
Counselor and Continuous Improvement Instructor
Our faculty holds a wide array of experience, background, education, and diversity to enhance and assist your understanding of the taught course materials and training.
The first step to obtaining these services is to click the button below and fill out the registration form. Your TANF provider will review your registration for approval.